
Multiple students using state-of-the-art medical technology.


Through a unique partnership with Ponce 健康 Sciences University (PHSU), JU offers a Master in 医学科学 (二甲基砜) program to help prepare you for a successful career 在医学上 在短短一年内. This program is designed to provide students the opportunity to enhance their competitiveness for entry into medical school and other professional health schools. 二甲基砜是一个严格的, broad-based program where students train to improve their academic credentials and achieve admission to graduate programs in health sciences, often improving MCAT scores 一路走来. 

Students can choose one of our two program delivery methods, both of which offer the 相同的课程和学位. 的 全职,面对面的跟踪 is a one-year program that mirrors the first year of LCME-accredited medical school 课程. 的 兼职、在线课程 features the same courses and can be completed in 20 months.



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3个学期| 11个月全职实习

5个学期| 20个月在线兼职




杰克逊维尔大学 & PHSU优势为成功的医疗事业做好准备

From our innovative and engaged faculty to our strong real-world partnerships, JU's 应用健康科学学院 has a proven track record of offering exceptional academic opportunities for the 下一代学习者. PHSU historically provides quality healthcare education for future medical professionals who will go on to challenge and diversify the healthcare 行业. Our partnership introduces a results-driven classroom structure that will improve educational outcomes and transform the student experience.

大学前20%的学生 二甲基砜 graduates are guaranteed an interview for PHSU's Medical Program at either their 庞塞,波多黎各校区,或圣. 密苏里州路易斯校区.

Learn more about what you can do with a 理学硕士 医学科学.


*Statistics provided by Ponce 健康 Sciences University.

89% 居住权match-rate
82% 二甲基砜 graduates apply, gain acceptance, and continue on to their preferred medical 学校和职业道路


杰克逊维尔大学's 健康 Sciences Complex on our Arlington campus is the home to the 理学硕士 医学科学 program, giving students the opportunity to collaborate with other healthcare majors like Orthodontics, Nursing, and Speech-Language 病理. Students also have access to state-of-the-art technology, like our Anatomage 表格和虚拟现实仿真实验室. 这里离市中心只有几分钟的路程, students will be immersed in professional enrichment opportunities with top healthcare facilities, technology, and business, making our program an ideal environment for 崭露头角的医生和年轻的专业人士. 听听Sharmaine的故事,了解更多 her decision to earn a 理学硕士 医学科学 at 杰克逊维尔大学. 


关于 the City of Jacksonville, 杰克逊维尔大学 - 的 College Tour

JU has strong roots in Jacksonville or as the locals call it Jax. 人口最多的国家 city in Florida, its rapidly growing economy attracts global
companies in healthcare, tech, business, and banking, and 杰克逊维尔大学 has a downtown campus right in the middle of it all. 这就是夏曼要做的 her Master's in 医学科学, on her way to becoming a doctor. 最近怎么样? 夏尔曼?

大家好,欢迎来到Downtown Jax. JU被称为杰克逊维尔的大学, and our downtown campus is right in the center of it all. 杰克逊维尔是 Fortune 500 companies and we're a leader in Fintech, banking, and healthcare. Jax was recently named a "Supernova City" for its booming economic growth, and we're the number one City in Florida for recent college graduates. 我目前正在注册 the one-year 医学科学 graduate program based in JU's downtown campus. 这是 designed to prepare future doctors, dentists, PAs, and other aspiring medical personnel for the rigors of medical school by mirroring your first year at a medical college. 毕业后
bachelor's degree and working at one of the many Jacksonville hospitals, I was drawn to this program to get myself ready for medical school. 作为一名有抱负的医生,JU 这个计划可以加强我的申请
for medical school receive, free MCAT tutoring, and gain the study tools I need to 成功在我的未来. When I'm not in class you'll find me at one of the cafes, restaurants, 或者城市里美丽的公园. 坐在水边是一个完美的地方 学习,或者只是和朋友一起放松. 全球网络赌博平台离音乐会场地只有几步之遥, 当地的啤酒厂和捷豹队的体育场. 我喜欢住在城市的中心. 每一个 day you can almost feel the opportunities with Jacksonville being one of the best 为年轻专业人士和求职者提供的场所. 这意味着你不必做出选择 between a great place to live and a great education. 在这里,两者都有. 你知道 我在说什么. 回到你身边,亚历克斯.

我当然知道. 我永远不会忘记出席的经历
在第一季. 太神奇了
杜瓦. 谢谢你带全球网络赌博平台参观


  • Bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university
  • 平均绩点大于等于2分.7对4.0规模
    • GPA不低于2分的学生.5门科学课程将被考虑 大于2.7日平均绩点
  • 应要求提供推荐信
  • 个人陈述
  • 课程要求:
    • 普通生物学I & II(含实验室)
    • 普通化学I & II(含实验室)
    • 有机化学I & II(含实验室)
    • 物理我 & II(含实验室)
    • 数学——6学时
    • 行为与社会科学- 6学时
    • 英语- 3个学分





秋季学期  7月1日st  8月1日st 
春季学期  11月1日st  12月16日 
夏季学期  4月1日st  5月1日st
Bobak Tarassoli, 二甲基砜 graduate in a white medical coat

"If you are a student who is interested in pursuing higher education in the health sciences field, including medical, dental, or pharmacy school, and you're looking for a program that would prepare you with the skills you need to succeed, [Jacksonville University's] 理学硕士 医学科学 is the perfect program for helping 你完成了这个目标."

Bobak TarassoliJU MS in 医学科学 校友 ('22), Ponce 健康 Sciences University School of 医学学生

